To enable the analytics feature, first you need to create a class that implements the uqudo Tracer interface as shown below:
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using UqudoSDK;
namespace <Your Project Namespace>
public class Tracer : UQTracer
public override void Trace(UQTrace trace)
string sessionId = trace.SessionId;
string statusMessage = trace.StatusMessage;
string timestamp = trace.Timestamp.ToString();
string category = GetStringFromIntPtr(trace.Category);
string eventStr = GetStringFromIntPtr(trace.Event);
string page = GetStringFromIntPtr(trace.Page);
string status = GetStringFromIntPtr(trace.Status);
string statusCode = GetStringFromIntPtr(trace.StatusCode);
string output = $"Trace(sessionId={sessionId}, category={category}, event={eventStr}, page={page}, status={status}, statusCode={statusCode}, statusMessage={statusMessage}, documentType={trace.DocumentType.ToString()}, timestamp={timestamp})";
private string GetStringFromIntPtr(IntPtr ptr)
foreach (var field in typeof(Constants).GetProperties())
if ((IntPtr)field.GetValue(null) == ptr)
int underscoreIndex = field.Name.IndexOf('_');
return underscoreIndex != -1 ? field.Name.Substring(underscoreIndex + 1) : field.Name;
return "";
After that you can pass an instance of the class in the intizialization of the SDK as described below:
public bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
var tracer = new Tracer();
new UQBuilderController(trace: tracer);
return true;