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Note: This feature requires an additional permission and must be explicitly requested
This feature can be used to initiate a facial recognition session based on an image (e.g. id photo) provided through our API (see "" in the API documentation). Below you can find an example to initiate the face session.
The following method should be called when the application is initiated:
You require an from the Uqudo API using the credentials for your account.
The configuration options are described below:
The face session result will be available to the application in the calling Activity’s onActivityResult method:
If the resultCode is equals to Activity.RESULT_CANCELED you can find the SessionStatus object result in the data attribute under the key “key_session_status”. The SessionStatus contains the following properties:
sessionStatusCode as SessionStatusCode enum that contains the following error codes:
USER_CANCELLED = User canceled the enrollment process
SESSION_EXPIRED = Session expired or not found
UNEXPECTED_ERROR = Something went wrong. In the message the details of the error
SESSION_INVALIDATED_FACE_RECOGNITION_TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS = Session gets invalidated because of too many failed facial recognition attempts
sessionTask as SessionTask enum that contains the following codes:
SCAN = The scanning task
READING = The NFC reading task
FACE = The facial recognition task
BACKGROUND_CHECK = The background check task
data as String that contains the JWS object with the partial data of an incomplete KYC session. Returning the partial data for an incomplete KYC session is disabled by default, please see the configuration options available.
If the resultCode is equals to Activity.RESULT_OK you can find the SDK result in the data attribute. The string is the JWS, see " (Face Object)" for details.