Face API

You can find the full YAML swagger specification here

You can find the full JSON swagger specification here

Every API below requires an access token that you can retrieve using the Authorisation API

Face session API

This endpoint allows you to upload an image (e.g. id photo) and the returning session id must be used in the uqudo SDK to initiate the "Face Session Flow" to perform liveness check and face matching against the provided image. The session and related image will be automatically deleted after 10 minutes.

Face match API

This endpoint allows you to upload two images (e.g. id photo, personal image) to perform a face matching. API supports JPEG and PNG images with sizes up to 5MB. It is also possible to specify a "Minimum match level" value (from 1 to 5), that must be met for the images to be considered a match.

Note: This API requires a specific permission

Note: This API requires a specific permission

Note: This API requires a specific permission

Last updated