Enrolment Flow
In order to use our SDK you need an authorization token. Please check our API "Authorisation" in this regard.
The following method should be called when the application is initiated:
The Uqudo SDK provides a builder class to initiate the "Enrollment Flow". See the example below:
Uqudo Enrollment Builder Configuration
In order to check if the document type supports the "Enrollment Flow" you can use the following method:
Configuration options provided in the Uqudo Enrolment builder are:
Property | Type | Optional | Default | Description |
setToken(token) | String | No | null | See Authorisation |
setNonce(nonce) | String (max size 64 chars) | Yes | null | Nonce provided by the customer mobile application when the SDK is initiated. It is useful to make sure the process has been initiated by the customer mobile application. It should be generated server side. |
setSessionId(sessionId) | String (UUID v4) | Yes | Auto generated | Required during the enrolment process using a QR code, see QR code App. Note: make sure to create always a new session id when you trigger the SDK flow |
disableSecureWindow() | None | Yes | false | Whether to allow users to take screenshots and capture screen recording or not. |
enableFacialRecognition() | None | Yes | none | Enable facial recognition with the default configuration, see Facial Recognition Configuration. |
enableFacialRecognition(configuration) | FacialRecognitionSpecification | Yes | none | Enable facial recognition with a custom configuration, see Facial Recognition Configuration. |
enableBackgroundCheck(configuration) | BackgroundCheckSpecification | Yes | none | Enable background check with a custom configuration, see Background Check Configuration. |
add(document) | Document | No | none | Add a document to the enrolment process, see Scan Configuration. |
returnDataForIncompleteSession() | None | Yes | false | When enabled, if the user or the SDK drops the session before completion, the SDK will return the partial data together with the SessionStatus object (see Handling the Result). Please note that you can expect some data only if the user passes at least the scanning step |
enableLookup() | None | Yes | None | Enable third party lookup (Government database). See the supported documents and the data returned here Lookup object Note: this feature requires an additional permission and must be explicitly requested |
enableLookup(documentTypes) | Variable length argument or Array | Yes | None | Enable third party lookup (Government database) filtered by document type. For instance, if your KYC process includes more than one document, you can decide to perform the lookup only for one single document. See the supported documents and the data returned here Lookup object Note: this feature requires an additional permission and must be explicitly requested |
allowNonPhysicalDocuments() | None | Yes | false | If enabled allows scanning of non-physical documents (where the SDK doesn't reject scans upon detecting a screen) Note: Available only on SDK version 3.x and above |
disableTamperingRejection() | None | Yes | false | If enabled directs the SDK not to dismiss the scan upon detecting tampering, specifically for ID photo tampering detection. Note: Available only on SDK version 3.x and above |
Scan Configuration
The scanning has some customisation options which can be set using the DocumentBuilder object like below:
Below you can find the configuration options available:
Property | Type | Optional | Default | Description |
setDocumentType(documentType) | DocumentType | No | None | Document type to scan. Please refer to the Scan API for supported Document Types. |
disableHelpPage() | None | Yes | false | Disable scanning help page |
enableReading() | None | Yes | None | Enable reading for the document, e.g. NFC reading of the chip with default configuration, see Read Configuration. |
enableReading(configuration) | ReadingSpecification | Yes | None | Enable reading for the document, e.g. NFC reading of the chip, passing a reading specification object (see below), see Read Configuration. |
setFaceScanMinimumMatchLevel(matchLevel) | Int | Yes | None | Defines the minimum match level that the facial recognition has to meet for scanned pictures related to this document. This configuration takes precedence from the global setting in the facial recognition configuration |
setFaceReadMinimumMatchLevel(matchLevel) | Int | Yes | None | Defines the minimum match level that the facial recognition has to meet for pictures from the chip (e.g. NFC) related to this document. This configuration takes precedence from the global setting in the facial recognition configuration |
disableExpiryValidation() | None | Yes | false | Allows to scan expired documents |
enableScanReview(frontSide, backSide) | Boolean, Boolean | Yes | Not enabled | Enable scan review of the document for the front side, back side or both. After scanning the detected document side is presented to the user for review and confirmation |
enableUpload() | None | Yes | false | Enable manual upload of the document instead of automatic scanning. The user can choose a single PDF that contains the image of the document. For a two-side document the first picture must be the front side and the second picture the back side. If enabled, the reading step is automatically disabled |
enableAgeVerification(minAge) | Int | Yes | -1 (disabled) | Enable age verification. If the age calculated from the document is not above or equals minAge, the scan fails showing a message to the user accordingly. Min age must be above 0 otherwise is not taken into consideration |
Read Configuration
In order to check if the document type supports the reading step (NFC) you can use the following method:
In order to configure specific options for the reading part, see the example below:
Reading configuration options available:
Property | Type | Optional | Default | Description |
forceReading(value) | Boolean | Yes | false | Force the reading part. Users will not be able to skip the reading part. If the device does not support NFC and forceReading is set to true, the uqudo builder will throw and exception that needs to managed by the application |
forceReadingIfSupported(value) | Boolean | Yes | false | Force the reading part only if NFC is supported. Users will not be able to skip the reading part if NFC is supported. Otherwise, the reading part is skipped and the user taken to the next step. Note: This option has been deprecated in version 3.0.0 and is the default behaviour now |
forceReadingTimeout(timeout) | Integer | Yes | -1 (disabled) | Defines the timeout in seconds. If the user isn't able to perform the NFC scanning of the document before the timeout expires, a message is shown accordingly and the user is allowed to skip the NFC step. |
You can also control the app for devices with NFC or not by turning the feature required as true or false in AndroidManifest.xml. By doing so, the app will only be available to devices with NFC if set true
Facial Recognition Configuration
In order to check if the document type supports facial recognition you can use the following method:
Note: By default the facial recognition is disabled. You need to enable Facial Recognition explicitly. See the example below:
The above example shows how you can disable the help page on the facial recognition part.
Facial Recognition configuration options available:
Property | Type | Optional | Default | Description |
setScanMinimumMatchLevel(matchLevel) | Int | Yes | None | Defines the minimum match level that the facial recognition has to meet for scanned pictures |
setReadMinimumMatchLevel(matchLevel) | Int | Yes | None | Defines the minimum match level that the facial recognition has to meet for pictures from the chip (e.g. NFC) |
enableAuditTrailImageObfuscation(obfuscationType) | ObfuscationType | Yes | None | Enables audit trail image background obfuscation leaving only the face visible. It can be used when there are privacy concerns related to the background of the selfie taken by the user and shared in the SDK result. There are two types of obfuscations:
setMaxAttempts(maxAttempts) | Int | Yes | 3 | Set the max failed facial recognition attempts before dropping the session. Note: only values between 1 and 3 are taken into consideration. |
allowClosedEyes() | None | Yes | False | Allows to have closed eyes during facial recognition. |
enableOneToNVerification() | None | Yes | False | Once activated, following a successful facial recognition (confirming liveness and matching the face), the system initiates a search for the user's selfie within your tenant. If the selfie is not found, it is added, and the indexed facial features are stored in the database. The SDK result includes a unique ID in the face object, along with an indication of whether there was a match with a previously onboarded selfie. It's essential to store this unique ID in your system alongside the user's record, facilitating future searches for users with the same ID. Please be aware that this option requires a specific permission, otherwise, it will be disregarded |
Background Check Configuration
Note: This feature requires an additional permission and must be explicitly requested
Note: By default the Background Check is disabled. You need to enable Background Check explicitly. See the example below:
Background Check configuration options available:
Property | Type | Optional | Default | Description |
disableConsent() | None | Yes | false | Disable consent option for the user |
setBackgroundCheckType(type) | BackgroundCheckType | Yes | RDC | Sets the background check type RDC |
enableMonitoring() | None | Yes | false | Enable continuous monitoring. See API documentation for details. |
skipView() | None | Yes | false | If enabled, the step will be skipped, and the SDK will trigger the background check without any user interaction. |
Handling Exceptions
The Uqudo SDK will throw certain exceptions which need to be handled by the application. The Exceptions are:
IllegalStateException - e.g. enabling reading for a document that doesn’t support reading or required configuration missing
UnsupportedDeviceException - e.g. on DocumentBuilder().build() if force reading is enabled and the device doesn’t support NFC or on UqudoBuilder.Enrollment().build() if rooted device is not allowed and the device is rooted
InitializationException - thrown when the SDK fails to load native libraries due to a bug on certain Android devices. This exception enables your application to handle the issue gracefully instead of crashing.
Handling the Result
The enrollment result will be available to the application in the calling Activity’s onActivityResult method:
If the resultCode is equals to Activity.RESULT_OK you can find the SDK result in the data attribute. The string is the JWS, see "SDK result" for details.
If the resultCode is equals to Activity.RESULT_CANCELED you can find the SessionStatus object result in the data attribute under the key “key_session_status”. The SessionStatus contains the following properties:
sessionStatusCode as SessionStatusCode enum that contains the following error codes:
USER_CANCELLED = User canceled the enrollment process
SESSION_EXPIRED = Session expired or not found
UNEXPECTED_ERROR = Something went wrong. In the message the details of the error
SESSION_INVALIDATED_CHIP_VALIDATION_FAILED = Session gets invalidated because the CHIP validation of the card fails and the reading step is forced by configuration
SESSION_INVALIDATED_READING_NOT_SUPPORTED = Session gets invalidated because the document doesn’t support reading (e.g. no chip available) and the reading step is forced by configuration
SESSION_INVALIDATED_FACE_RECOGNITION_TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS = Session gets invalidated because of too many failed facial recognition attempts
SESSION_INVALIDATED_CAMERA_NOT_AVAILABLE = Session gets invalidated because the camera is not available
SESSION_INVALIDATED_CAMERA_PERMISSION_NOT_GRANTED = Session gets invalidated because camera the end user denies camera access
sessionTask as SessionTask enum that contains the following codes:
SCAN = The scanning task
READING = The NFC reading task
FACE = The facial recognition task
BACKGROUND_CHECK = The background check task (only if skipView() is not enabled)
data as String that contains the JWS object with the partial data of an incomplete KYC session. Returning the partial data for an incomplete KYC session is disabled by default, please see Enrollment Builder Configuration for details.
Last updated