Enrolment Flow

The enrolment process supports the following steps:

  • Taking of the picture of the document (mobile and tablet only) or upload (enforced for desktop, configurable for mobile and tablet)

  • Facial recognition (Optional)

  • Background check (Optional)

  • Lookup verification (Optional)

See diagram below:

Enrollment flow interface definition:

try {

  const result = await uqudoSdk.enrollment({
        sessionId?: string;
        returnDataForIncompleteSession?: boolean;
        // scan can be an array of objects to enroll multiple documents in the same session
	scan: {
  	  documentType: DocumentType;
  	  disableExpiryValidation?: boolean;
  	  forceUpload?: boolean;
          enableAgeVerification?: number;
	face?: {
  	  enableFacialRecognition?: boolean;
          maxAttempts?: number;
          minimumMatchLevel?: number;
          enableOneToNVerification?: boolean;
      	lookup?: {
  	  enableLookup: boolean;
  	  documentTypes: DocumentType[];
	backgroundCheck?: {
  	  enableBackgroundCheck?: boolean;
  	  checkType?: BackgroundCheckType;
  	  disableConsent?: boolean;
  	  skipView?: boolean;
  	  enableMonitoring?: boolean;
	onSuccess?: (result) => {
	  // Result returned after a successful enrolment
	onError?: (error) => {
	  // Error returned from the enrolment process failure 
	onFinally?: () => void;
	assets?: IAssetsArg;
	texts?: ITextsArg;

} catch (error) {
// Error catched from the enrolment process

Below the configuration options for enrolment:



UUID v4 that represents the session. Only used for the enrollment process. Note: make sure to create always a new session id when you trigger the SDK flow

False (Auto generated)


When enabled, if the user or the SDK drops the session before completion, the SDK will return the partial data together with the OperationError object 1.8. Operation Error. Please note that you can expect some data only if the user passes at least the scanning step

No. Default false


Note: can be a single object or an array of objects to on board multiple documents in the same session


Document type to scan. Please refer to the Scan API for supported Document Types.



If true accept expire document

No. Default false


Force to use the upload process in any device type. By default mobile phones and tablets use the camera to take a picture

No. Default false


Enable age verification. If the age calculated from the document is not above or equals minAge, the scan fails showing a message to the user accordingly. Min age must be above 0 otherwise is not taken into consideration

No. Default to -1 (disabled)



Enable facial recognition

No. Default false


Set the max failed facial recognition attempts before dropping the session. Note: only values between 1 and 3 are taken into consideration.

No. Default to 3


Defines the minimum match level that the facial recognition has to meet

No. Default to 2


Once activated, following a successful facial recognition (confirming liveness and matching the face), the system initiates a search for the user's selfie within your tenant. If the selfie is not found, it is added, and the indexed facial features are stored in the database. The SDK result includes a unique ID in the face object, along with an indication of whether there was a match with a previously onboarded selfie. It's essential to store this unique ID in your system alongside the user's record, facilitating future searches for users with the same ID. Please be aware that this option requires a specific permission, otherwise, it will be disregarded

No. Default false



Enable third party lookup (Government database).

Note: this feature requires an additional permission and must be explicitly requested

No. Default false


Enable third party lookup (Government database) filtered by document type. For instance, if your KYC process includes more than one document, you can decide to perform the lookup only for one single document.

Note: this feature requires an additional permission and must be explicitly requested

No. Default all the documents part of the KYC



Enable background check

No. Default false


Background check type

No. Default RDC


Disable the consent button. Only a continue button is shown

No. Default false


Trigger a background check without showing any view to the user.

No. Default false


Enable continuous monitoring. See API documentation for details.

No. Default false


Callback function called after the process is done successfully. The result is a string, see "SDK result" for details



Callback function called if the process returns an error. See Operation Error for details



Callback function called after the process is done, successfully or unsuccessfully.



List of assets


List of text

Last updated