Background Check API

You can find the full YAML swagger specification here

You can find the full JSON swagger specification here

Every API below requires an access token that you can retrieve using the Authorisation API

Background check API

The following API allows you to trigger a background check based on the data passed in the body request

Note: the uqudo SDK provides an integrated step for background check that returns the same output in the final result. If you use our SDK we recommend to enable background check directly in the SDK and don't use this API

Note: If you have ICAD (Alert Decisioning) enabled, the content property in the result will always be null even if match property is true. ICAD requires a manual review on the RDC portal

Note: There is a bug in the visualization below for the response body. Please refer to the swagger definition above

Background check monitoring delete API

This endpoint allows you to delete the monitoring associated with a specific inquiry and based on the monitoring id returned in response of the same inquiry

Background check monitoring notification API (customer webhook)

This endpoint must be exposed by your system. Uqudo will push an update every time there is a change to a specific inquiry identified by the monitoring id. The endpoint can be open, protected by basic authentication or by custom headers.

Customer webhook

POST https://your_api_base_url/path

Uqudo will push a json object in the request body. You can see the swagger definition here

Query Parameters

Request Body

Last updated