Mobile SDK

Version 3.3.0

Published on 2024-12-20

  • Added two new fields to the scan object in the SDK result:

    • frontFrameImageId: Contains the reference to the complete frame image of the document's front side

    • backFrameImageId: Contains the reference to the complete frame image of the document's back side

    These frame images capture the full background context of the scan, which is valuable for troubleshooting issues and meeting regulatory requirements that mandate documentation of the scanning environment.

  • Enhanced face detection during selfie capture to ensure only a single face is present, preventing failed liveness checks and face matching due to multiple faces in the frame.

  • Minor bug fixes and improvements

Version 3.2.1

Published on 2024-11-18

  • Fixed regression bug introduced in version 3.2.0

  • Added support for a new document type: TUN_ID (Tunisian ID)

Version 3.2.0

Published on 2024-10-17

IMPORTANT: We have removed access to this version because of a regression bug that affects our screen detection feature. If you have already downloaded this version we strongly recommend holding off on upgrading to this version and wait for the next patch release. We are actively working on a patch to resolve this issue, and will release the next patch (version 3.2.1) as soon as possible.

  • (Android SDK) Enhanced Security with Improved Root Detection: We've significantly strengthened the root detection mechanism in our Android SDK to provide greater protection against dynamic code injection and other malicious activities. This improvement ensures that the application remains secure even in compromised environments. However, we strongly recommend that customers implement their own additional root detection strategies as well. Rooted devices can compromise the integrity of the entire application and its data. UnsupportedDeviceException has been removed in favor of IllegalStateException if a rooted device is detected. Make sure to manage the exception to avoid your application to crash.

  • (Android SDK) Resolved an issue where pressing the back button during the document scanning step would incorrectly return the user to the help page, even when the help page was disabled in the SDK configuration.

  • (iOS SDK) Upgraded OpenSSL-Universal to version 1.1.2301. If you're using the native SDK (Objective-C or Swift), please update this dependency when upgrading to the new SDK version. For hybrid frameworks (excluding React Native), the dependency is automatically added to the package descriptor of the Uqudo plugin.

  • (iOS SDK) Starting with this version, the minimum iOS version supported is 12.0.

  • Enhanced the speed and accuracy of the ID photo tampering detection feature.

  • Improved the accuracy of the ID photo quality check, particularly for cases where the face is partially covered by a finger or other objects. In such cases, the scan will now be rejected, and appropriate feedback will be provided to the user.

  • Starting with this version, the SDK will reject scans of ID documents presented on paper. If you prefer to allow scans through screens or paper and wish to assess related scores on your side, you can use the allowNonPhysicalDocuments configuration option available in the SDK.

  • Added support for a new document type: UAE_PASSPORT_DIGITAL. This represents the digital version of the UAE passport. To accept this version, treat it as a distinct document type in your Enrollment Builder Configuration. Also, when selecting UAE_PASSPORT_DIGITAL, ensure that non-physical documents are enabled and tampering rejection is disabled for successful scanning.

  • Enhanced support for Rwanda ID and Somaliland ID.

  • Improved the KEN_ID lookup by requiring only the identity number, simplifying the process for the end user.

  • Various minor bug fixes and improvements.

Version 3.1.3

Published on 2024-08-10

  • Introduced support for Qatar Vehicle License.

  • Resolved an issue in document scanning that occasionally failed to recognize the latest version of the Bahraini passport.

  • Resolved an issue where authentication exception during PACE in passport NFC was not properly handled.

  • Implemented minor bug fixes.

  • iOS: Optimized the SDK to reduce its size.

  • iOS: Corrected RTL layout issues when using the Kurdish language.

  • Android: Addressed a rare crash during the document scanning step when the help page is disabled.

  • Android: Resolved a crash that occurred when the back button was pressed simultaneously during the document scanning step.

Version 3.1.2

Published on 2024-06-14

Enhanced glare and blur detection

  • To enhance the ID Document scan experience, we have improved the glare detection pipeline by masking the ID photo area. This prevents glare detection in this highly reflective region which is known to contain large holographic features. This is done without compromising the quality of ID photos, as our dedicated photo quality detection model handles this aspect better.

  • We’ve also extended the masking to other reflective areas on ID document that don't affect the capture quality, including:

    • Reflective security features (e.g. embossed stripes on the back of Emirates ID).

    • Contactless chip areas

    • Emblems and logos (e.g. UAE Emirates Vehicle License)

  • We have streamlined the blur detection pipeline by removing redundant image processing components for improved accuracy and performance and fewer false positives.

Tilt and distance handling improvements

  • The ID Document detection model now accommodates larger tilt angles, ensuring high-quality capture even when the document is not perfectly straight.

  • The distance requirements between the main camera and the ID document have been relaxed, permitting users to hold the ID document slightly farther away. This adjustment helps the camera focus more effectively and improves the overall user experience.

User interface improvements

  • Glare Detection: Replaced technical term "glare" - which is not universally understood - with a more user-friendly message: "Avoid light reflections on the document"

  • Blur Detection: New message will be shown: "Unclear image. Don't move during the scan and ensure good lighting"

  • ID Document Scan on Android: Changed the message "Hold on" to "Do not move."

  • When allowNonPhysicalDocuments is set to false, We replaced the message: "Please provide physical document" with "Please provide the original document. No screens and printed copies allowed".

  • Poor ID Photo Quality: New message will be shown: "Photo not clear. Please move to better lighting."

New telemetry and SDK analytics events

A new trace event, IN_PROGRESS, has been added during document scanning with the following status codes:












A new trace event, IN_PROGRESS, has been added during facial recognition with the following status codes:











Please be aware that all codes, except for SCAN_DOCUMENT_FRONT_PROCESSED and SCAN_DOCUMENT_BACK_PROCESSED, are throttled (limited to one identical event every 5 seconds). This is to ensure that your client is not overwhelmed and to accommodate varying speeds of different phones, which may send different numbers of events.

Version 3.1.1

Published on 2024-05-01

  • Introducing the new document type UAE_ID_DIGITAL aimed at clearly distinguishing between the digital and physical versions. If you want to accept the digital version, it is necessary to treat this as a separate document type in your Enrollment Builder Configuration. Furthermore, if you select the document type UAE_ID_DIGITAL, make sure to enable non-physical documents and deactivate tampering rejection to ensure successful scanning. It's important to note that starting from this version onwards, selecting the document type UAE_ID while the user provides the digital version will result in rejection. Likewise, selecting UAE_ID_DIGITAL while the user provides the physical version will yield the same outcome.

  • For Android, fixed crash during document scanning in the rare case the phone doesn't support high resolution. Please make sure to update to this version to prevent any potential crashes.

  • Minor improvements

Version 3.1.0

Published on 2024-04-10

  • Introducing a new configuration option for facial recognition, enabling 1:N face match verification. Once activated, following a successful facial recognition (confirming liveness and matching the face), the system initiates a search for the user's selfie within your tenant. If the selfie is not found, it is added, and the indexed facial features are stored in the database. The SDK result includes a unique ID in the face object, along with an indication of whether there was a match with a previously onboarded selfie. It's essential to store this unique ID in your system alongside the user's record, facilitating future searches for users with the same ID. Please be aware that this option requires a specific permission, otherwise, it will be disregarded. For further information or to explore this new feature, please reach out to your account manager.

  • In iOS 17.4, a bug was introduced in the NFC popup, resulting in the progress bar no longer being visible. We've implemented a workaround to address this issue and ensure the progress bar is once again visible.

Version 3.0.2

Published on 2024-03-27

  • Enhanced the screen resolution ratio to optimize facial recognition, aimed at reducing rejections caused by liveness check failures.

  • Reactivated the 'forceReadingTimeout(timeout)' option for the NFC step, allowing users to skip NFC scanning if they're unable to complete it before the timeout expires, with a corresponding notification message.

  • Resolved an iOS bug where customization of the back button layout was not being applied.

  • Removed the debug executable check from the jailbroken security verification process on iOS. Please note that while the SDK performs this check, it's advised to conduct it within your application as well.

  • Introduced a new 'InitializationException' for Android, thrown when the SDK fails to load native libraries due to a bug on certain Android devices. This exception enables your application to handle the issue gracefully instead of crashing.

  • Addressed potential crashes on Android that could occur when the application transitions between background and foreground states during document scanning.

Version 3.0.1

Published on 2024-03-13

  • Important improvement in the id photo tampering detection during document scanning to identify any alterations to the ID photo.

  • Reduced the level of sensitivity for detecting glares during document scanning.

  • Small improvement during scanning to identify printed copies. As per our previous release, the SDK will not reject scans of printed documents but will provide a score indicating the likelihood of a printed copy under the verification object in the SDK result.

  • Included a new obfuscation type called "FILLED_WHITE" within the facial recognition configuration, which completely substitutes the background with a white color.

  • Introduced a new configuration option called "disableTamperingRejection", directing the SDK not to dismiss the scan upon detecting tampering, specifically for ID photo tampering detection.

  • Deprecated the configuration option called "enrollFace" within the facial recognition configuration, as it is related to the "Account Recovery Flow" deprecated in version 3.0.0. It is planned for removal in a future release.

  • Android: upgraded the camera library to the latest stable version that fixes an important bug that could affect the scan on Samsung A24 devices.

  • iOS: Addressed an issue on iPhone 14 and iPhone 15 base version where the camera failed to focus when documents were in close proximity.

  • iOS: Refactored the implementation to identify whether the device has been jailbroken. To verify whether a device is jailbroken, we inspect the status of the debugger executable. The presence of an active debugger executable on an iOS device may indicate that the device has been jailbroken. If you wish to test our SDK and run the application via Xcode, please ensure that the debugger executable is disabled. See the documentation here for details.

Version 3.0.0

Published on 2024-02-12

  • Introduced a new verification object result within the SDK, including all details pertinent to the verification process. This feature supports your business logic by easily identifying potential issues. Refer to the verification object for details.

  • Added Data Consistency Check within the verification object, supporting your business logic by highlighting inconsistencies throughout the entire KYC journey, including optical scanning, NFC, and lookup stages.

  • Added source detection during document scanning to ensure that users display physical documents, eliminating screens and printed copies. In this release, the SDK will not reject scans of printed documents but will provide a score indicating the likelihood of a printed copy under the verification object in the SDK result. Please note that low-light conditions may affect the result, potentially increasing the score for printed copies and leading to false positives. We are committed to improving this aspect in future releases, refining quality check procedures to ensure optimal image quality. Eventually, printed documents above a certain score will be rejected directly from the SDK, similar to how screens are handled.

  • Added an option to permit scanning of non-physical documents (where the SDK won't reject scans upon detecting a screen). The SDK result includes a score indicating whether the document was scanned from a screen, as described in the verification object above.

  • Added ID photo tampering detection during document scanning to identify any alterations to the ID photo. The SDK will reject scans above a certain score and provide an appropriate message. Score information is returned in the SDK result within the verification object.

  • Enhanced identification of low-light conditions during document scanning by introducing stricter criteria. Suboptimal lighting can affect document recognition, particularly for non-physical documents.

  • Improved scanning capabilities for Turkish IDs.

  • Added NFC support for the latest version of the QAT ID for residents.

  • Added NFC support for IRQ ID.

  • Added support for passport chip authentication during NFC reading.

  • Implemented countermeasures for NFC replay attacks on documents lacking authentication mechanisms.

  • Addressed an issue on iPhone 14 Pro/Pro Max and iPhone 15 Pro/Pro Max where the camera failed to focus when documents were in close proximity.

  • Resolved an issue where a specific version of the QAT ID's back side for citizens was not being recognized.

  • In the Lookup Flow, removed NGA virtual NIN in favor of the actual NIN (National Identification Number) written on the document, as the virtual NIN service has been suspended by the Nigerian government.

  • Overall enhancements to the scanning process to improve scan quality.

  • For Android application development, targeting SDK 34 is now mandatory.

  • Deprecated the enableUpload feature in the SDK, planned for removal in a future release.

  • Deprecated the forceReadingIfSupported function in the ReadingConfiguration builder and made it the default behavior, eliminating the option to skip the reading step (NFC) unless the device lacks NFC support. The forceReading option remains available for those wishing to restrict usage to devices with NFC support only.

  • Deprecated the forceReadingTimeout function in the ReadingConfiguration, making it a no-op operation.

  • Deprecated the Account Recovery Flow feature in the SDK, planned for removal in a future release. Use Face Session Flow instead.

  • Various minor bug fixes and improvements.

Version 2.7.4

Published on 2023-12-26

  • Added compatibility for applications designed to target targetSdk version 34 on the Android platform

  • Corrected an issue related to NFC reading for passports specifically when PACE access control is the sole supported mechanism IMPORTANT: If you have activated the NFC reading step for passports in our SDK, kindly update the SDK to this latest release

Version 2.7.3

Published on 2023-12-06

  • Corrected the lookup flow process associated with the Nigerian National Identification Number (NIN), which now necessitates entering the 16 alphanumeric characters of the virtual NIN

  • Added compatibility for applications designed to target compileSdk version 34 on the Android platform

Version 2.7.2

Published on 2023-11-21

  • Added scan support for Iraqi ID.

  • Added two new session status codes:

    • SESSION_INVALIDATED_CAMERA_NOT_AVAILABLE: If the camera is not available, the SDK drops the session with this status. Possible reasons for the camera not being available include:

      • Hardware Failure: Hardware issues or malfunctions can render the camera module inoperable.

      • Privacy Settings: The user may have disabled the camera functionality through privacy settings or restrictions on the device.

      • Camera in Use by Another App: If another application is actively using the camera, attempts to access it from a different app may fail. Possible scenarios:

        • Camera is in Use by System Process: System-level processes or services may temporarily take control of the camera (e.g., on iOS, the camera might be used by the system camera app, FaceTime, or other built-in features).

        • Background Camera Use: Some apps may continue to use the camera even when in the background (e.g., video conferencing apps might continue to stream video).

        • Camera Hardware Limitations: Certain devices or hardware configurations may impose limitations on camera access (e.g., restricting access to the camera when certain power-saving features are enabled).

        • Device-Specific Behavior: Device manufacturers and operating system providers may implement different policies or behaviors regarding camera access, leading to variations across devices and platforms.

    • SESSION_INVALIDATED_CAMERA_PERMISSION_NOT_GRANTED: If the end user denies camera access, the SDK drops the session with this status.

    In both cases, it's necessary to manage the error codes and interact with the end user accordingly.

  • In Android, fixed a bug where, in rare cases during the scanning step, if the application was put in the background and subsequently killed by the OS, the session ID was lost, and the user wasn't able to proceed with the KYC session.

  • Improved the quality detection during scanning and fixed a bug where the back side of the Rwand ID was hard to scan.

  • Improved HTTP retry mechanism when interacting with the server during sudden and temporary connection failures.

  • Minor bug fixes and improvements.

Version 2.7.1

Published on 2023-09-27

  • We have introduced a new document type called MRZ. This document type allows you to scan documents with MRZ type TD1 or TD3. Additionally, you can enable the reading module, and if the issuer is supported, the SDK will guide the user to the reading/NFC step. Please note that features like facial recognition and lookup are not available for the MRZ document type

  • Added full support for Qatari ID scanning

Version 2.7.0

Published on 2023-08-18

  • In this latest release, we've revamped the facial recognition step. We've eliminated the nodding step, transforming facial recognition into a straightforward process easy as capturing a selfie. Under the hood, numerous enhancements have been implemented to ensure speed, simplicity, and enhanced accuracy. There are no changes in terms of business logic for your integration process

  • Within the iOS native SDK, we have marked several properties under UQEnrollmentBuilder and UQLookupBuilder associated with facial recognition as deprecated. In their place, we've introduced a dedicated entity called UQFacialRecognitionConfig. This entity serves to enable facial recognition and customize the corresponding settings. See the documentation for details

  • We have added a new configuration option for facial recognition that allows closed eyes during facial recognition. By default is disabled. See the documentation for details

  • Improved scanning for Bahrain ID

  • Added support for Lebanon ID and Driving License

  • Minor improvements and minor bug fixes

Version 2.6.0

Published on 2023-06-30

  • Added new feature "Lookup Flow". The "Lookp Flow" it's the same as the "Enrollment Flow" with the only difference that the first step is not the automatic scanning of a document through the camera phone but the user is asked to manually type in some information of the document that can be used to perform the lookup on the government database. Only one document at the time is supported. Other features like facial recognition and background check can be enabled in the same way as per the "Enrollment Flow". Please check the integration documentation for details

  • Improved document detection during scanning

  • Improved id photo quality detection during scanning

  • Minor improvements and minor bug fixes

Version 2.5.4

Published on 2023-05-22

  • Fixed bug that was introduced in version 2.5.3 related to the reading module (NFC) for GHA ID

  • Added driving license information for SAU ID reading module (NFC)

  • Added full support for SAU DL (driving license)

Version 2.5.3

Published on 2023-05-13

Note: If you are using NFC reading for GHA ID don't use this version as there is bug that was introduced in the last update

  • Significant improvements for the scanning part related to SAU_ID in order to support all the valid versions currently in use and to support all the variations possible for the residency card

  • Added new document type SAU_ID_NATIONAL and SAU_ID_RESIDENT if you want to enforce only national ID for citizens or only national ID for residents

  • Added new reading module (NFC) for Saudi ID, the latest version of the national id for citizens

  • Significant improvements for the id photo quality detection during the scanning of the document

  • Added new document type IND_PAN for Indian PAN card

  • For iOS we made an important improvement for the NFC session management

Version 2.5.2

Published on 2023-04-14

  • Added new document type PHL_DL for Philippines driving license

  • Added new document type BHR_DL for Bahrain driving license

  • Added new document type QAT_DL for Qatar driving license

  • Added new document type RSL_ID for Republic of Somaliland National ID Card

Version 2.5.1

Published on 2023-03-17

  • Added new document type USA_DL for United States of America driving license

Version 2.5.0

Published on 2023-03-03

  • Added new document type COD_VOTER_ID for Democratic Republic of the Congo driving license

  • Added new document type OMN_DL for Oman driving license

  • Added new document type OMN_VL for Oman vehicle license

  • From this version on in the SDK result all the fields containing a date will have an additional field with the same name plus the suffix "Formatted" that will contain the same date formatted in ISO-8601 format, e.g. '2011-12-03'

  • For Android we did a small change to make sure your application can build and run on x86_64 architecture. This will allow you to test your application on x86_64 emulator but the SDK part, armeabi-v7a and arm64-v8a remain the only supported architectures

  • For iOS we made sure that portrait mode is always enforced

  • For iOS fixed bug where an application applying the navigation bar appearance throughout the entire app using UINavigationBar.appearance() was affecting the SDK navigation bar layout

  • For iOS we made sure to close any open NFC session after tapping the skip button

  • Minor bug fixes and improvements

Version 2.4.0

Published on 2023-02-18

  • Added new document type GBR_ID for UK resident id

  • Added new document type COD_DL for Democratic Republic of the Congo driving license

  • Improved glare detection during document scanning

  • From this version on we will start using the Analytics feature of the SDK internally to push the events to our API. The feature will continue be available to your application as well, nothing has change in that regard. This will allow us in the future to provide to our customers accurate statistics of the on boarding flow. The data sent are totally anonymous and don't include any personal data.

  • Fixed issue in the reading module (NFC) for Bahrain ID that could potentially failing for some versions of the identity card

  • Minor bug fixes and improvements

  • For Android we pushed the target SDK to version 33

  • For Android we upgraded a few dependencies including the camera library. The dependencies upgrade will require you to upgrade gradle to version 7.5

Last updated

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